
Wayland Free Public Library Special Edition: Call for Photos!

Schools and Libraries

February 6, 2023

From: Wayland Free Public Library

Special Edition
Seeking Your Photos Taken at the Library!

As part of the Library’s 175th anniversary celebration in March, we’d like to display photos from community members taken at the library. They could be pictures from book groups or library programs, children’s events, or of friends or family members reading or browsing.

Send them to [email protected] with the subject line “Library Memories.” If they’re physical prints, you can scan them at the library. When sending, please include the names of people in the photo (if you feel comfortable), the event, and the approximate year the photo was taken.

Submit them by the end of February for possible inclusion in an anniversary exhibit! We welcome them after Feb as well. Photos may end up in the library archives for historical purposes.