
Weston Council On Aging Community Updates - August 2, 2022

Government and Politics

August 3, 2022

From: Town Of Weston

July Reflections
The highlight of July was our architecture cruise to see the spectacular views of historic and contemporary architecture along Boston Harbor and the Charles River basin. Not to be outshined, the rest of the month was pretty great too!

- Weston's new Police Chief, Chief Denis J. Linehan joined us for coffee and meet & greet;
- Jane Blair of ArtMatters shared an enlightening art appreciation program on how Art Keeps us Human;
- Weston Forest and Trail's Joel Angiollilo led us on a trail walk around Sears Land; &
- Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction teacher Holly Glick led a series on mindfulness meditation.

August Featured Programs

We kicked off the month with a violin concert by internationally-acclaimed violinist Ilana Zaks, who wowed the audience with her solo program including Telemann, Coleridge Taylor Perkinson, Liszt and Paganini.

This Friday, we'll learn about the history of Boston ballparks and take a trip in Boston to Fenway Park for a private tour next week.

We're offering two unique opportunities to lunch around town - first, at Heirloom, then on the Community Center patio. If you're an early-bird, join us for coffee and treats on August 22 in the COA lounge!

Refresh your driving skills and learn to make adjustments for common age-related changes with our AARP Safe Driver Training course on August 15. You may even qualify for a discount on your auto insurance!

If you're looking to feel rested, replenished and rejuvenated, experience yoga nidra with us on August 17. Despite the word yoga in the name, Yoga Nidra, known as "yogic sleep", is a gentle practice open to anyone, no previous yoga experience necessary.

Where in the world are we? 

We are offering TWO virtual travel programs this month - but you'll have to guess where they are! (Or check our newsletter)

Like us on Facebook and participate in our special featured quizzes posted on Friday 8/5 (left photo) and 8/18(right photo) for a chance to win a prize!