
White Memorial Conservation Center - Calendar Of Events August 2022

Clubs and Organizations

July 11, 2022

From: White Memorial Conservation Center

August 3, 10, 17

Yoga in the Garden: A Morning Sadhana at White Memorial

In the garden behind the White Memorial Museum, we will practice gentle, Vinyasa yoga as we listen to the birds, feel the morning breezes, and celebrate the warmth of the summer sun. Class will be followed by a brief guided meditation for those who would like to participate. This is an all levels, all ages program and requires no prior yoga or meditation experience! Recent studies have shown the benefits of yoga, which include stress reduction, improvement in strength, flexibility, and balance.

8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m., Please bring a mat and water (sunscreen/bug repellant if desired). Each class is $10 (with $1 of each going to White Memorial). Come to one, several, or all! For information and to check in event of rain, please call 860-309-9489.

COVID/PAYMENT PROTOCOL: Mats must be at least 6 feet from one another.  Please do not attend class if you aren’t feeling well. Payment may be exchanged without touch through Venmo (to @Judith-Ehrman-Shapiro). Other forms of payment include cash, check, and credit card. The teacher may not have change, so please bring exact amount.

About our Facilitator: Judith Ehrman-Shapiro, PhD, BC-DMT, NCC, RYT is a Board-Certified movement therapist, nationally certified counselor, and a registered yoga teacher. She was a 29-year employee of Waterbury Hospital, and currently operates the Evolving Center, a private practice, in Winsted.

August 6

Celebration of the Bantam River with Kelly Orr and Gerri Griswold

This beautiful program is back! Meet at the boat launch on Whites Woods Road for an early morning interpretive paddle down the Bantam River led by Kelly Orr! Be on the lookout for Herons, Beavers, Otters, turtles and so much more! End at Litchfield Town Beach where you will be treated to a delicious breakfast prepared for you by Gerri Griswold. Pray for perfect weather! Arrive at the boat launch by 6:30 am. The Paddle begins promptly at 7:00 a.m., Members: $15.00, Non members: $30.00…Pre-registration and pre-payment are required.

Thursday, August 11
Ages 3-6 years

Nature’s Nursery Series
Join us on the second Thursday of each month from May-August for an hour-long program designed just for your young nature lovers. Every session will include a story, an encounter with a live animal, and an activity or craft. Parents/Caregivers, we ask that you stay for the duration of the program. Meet in the A.B. Ceder Room. 4-5pm. Advanced registration is required. To register, please call 860-567-0857 or visit whitememorialcc.org. Space is limited. Please inquire about financial aid as needed. Members: $9/child per session or $30/whole series, Non-Members: $13/child per session or $50/whole series

August 13

Beaver Fever Talk and Walk with Gerri Griswold

Gather in the Museum at dawn’s early light for coffee and muffins in front of our spectacular Beaver Lodge and learn a bit about North America’s largest rodent. Although beavers are abundant today, their story was quite different in the 1800’s. Today you will learn fascinating beaver facts in the Museum and then head out on foot to a few of our resident beaver haunts in hope of seeing these industrious creatures in action! 6:00 a.m., Meet in the A. B. Ceder Room. Members: FREE Non-members: $10.00 pre-registration and pre-payment are required. Call 860-567-0857 or register online.

August 13

Biological Invasions Even at the 'Uttermost Ends of the Earth': The Case of North American Beavers in Southern Patagonia with Dr. Christopher Anderson

In 1946, the Argentine government brought 20 beavers from Canada to Tierra del Fuego to 'enrich' the local fauna. The initiative was part of a broader way of thinking at the time that sought to 'develop' the country, which included importing species from North America and Europe that were perceived to have more value. This effort to create a fur industry failed, and since then the biological invasion caused by beavers in both Argentine and Chilean portions of southern Patagonia has created the largest alteration to sub-Antarctic forests since the retreat of the last ice age. Furthermore, the invasive beaver has evidenced the fact that biological invasions have both ecological and social causes and consequences. Therefore, they must be addressed as part of a 'social-ecological system.' Besides the beaver, southern Patagonia hosts an array of other invasive exotic species, making this an ideal natural laboratory to better understand the human dimensions of conservation, even in what are ostensibly considered pristine wilderness areas.  

About Our Speaker: Dr. Christopher B. Anderson has worked and lived in southern Patagonia since 2000. He is currently a Research Scientist in the Argentine National Scientific and Technical Research Council

and an Associate Professor at the National University of Tierra del Fuego, both in Ushuaia, Argentina. Previously, he worked for 12 years in the Chilean portion of Patagonia, where he was part of the creation of the UNESCO Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve. He is a specialist on biological invasions, but his work focuses more broadly on applying inclusive strategies to research, education and conservation that allow the incorporation of multiple disciplines and stakeholders. 12:00 p.m., ZOOM, Members: FREE, Non-Members: $10.00 Pre-registration is required by calling 860-567-0857 or register online: www.whitememorialcc.org A Zoom link will be emailed to you with your receipt.

August 14

Sunday Guided Museum Tour with Tom Saunders

You’ll learn so much more about Alain and May White and their generous gift to us, by spending time with Museum Docent, Tom Saunders! Tom is available to give tours on the first and third Sundays of every month at 2pm or by appointment. Admission is FREE to Members and $6.00 for adults, $3.00 for children. There is free admission for children under the age of 12.

August 17 – 23

Museum Children Free Week

Courtesy of Tara and Arthur Diedrick Honoring Ann and Arthur Diedrick. Free admission to children ages twelve and under when accompanied by an adult.

August 20

Foundation in Navigation with Erin Josefson

Basic introduction to map and compass navigation. Learn how to identify where you are on a map, how to measure your paces and the distance you’ve traveled, finding North and how to find the trail should you get lost. At the end you will complete a course using a map, compass, and pacing as well as landmarks to find your way back to the classroom. A wonderful opportunity for families to learn the basics of orienteering! 2:00 p.m., Meet in the A. B. Ceder Room, FREE… Donations will be accepted to help defray the Conservation Center’s programming expenses.

August 26


This astronomy program is organized by members of the Litchfield Hills Amateur Astronomy Club and the Mattatuck Astronomical Society. Weather permitting, there will be star gazing after the program. 8:00 p.m., A. B. Ceder Room. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. You are invited to bring your own telescope or binoculars. FREE… Donations will be accepted to help defray the Conservation Center’s programming expenses.

August 27

Volunteer Trail Maintenance Day

Meet Forest Manager, Mike Berry for a few hours of sprucing up the Butternut Brook, Lake, and Windmill Hill Trails. You will be manned with all the tools and guidance you need to make a difference! On the schedule for the day is invasive plant removal and water bar clean up. Your efforts will be rewarded with bottled water, a snack, a White Memorial trail map and sticker. 16 year and older, please. Meet in front of the Green Barn.

9:00 am – 12:00 p.m., To register, please contact Mike Berry: [email protected]

August 27

Geology, Meteorology, and Astronomy of the Southern Andes – A reflection on a journey to Patagonia!

If Tom Alena doesn’t end up falling off the face of the earth, he’ll have an enormous amount of scientific observations to share from his recent trip to Patagonia! What caused these mountains to form? Tom will discuss the rock formations and specimens observed on the trip.  Why do storms spin the opposite way down there? As they unleash their energy upon these magnificent mountains, the kinds of clouds that form in the lee of the peaks are among some of the most remarkable atmospheric creations?  We’ll demonstrate how they are formed.  And then there are the stars!  To observe the rotation of a different set of star constellations around the earth’s southern axis will seem like we are on a different planet.  You won’t even need your mobility pass, vaccination status, or passport to join us for the trip down South! 3:00 p.m., ZOOM , Members: FREE  Non-Members: $10.00. Register by calling 860-567-0857 or online: www.whitememorialcc.org

August 27

An Evening with South Lake Jazz

Bring a picnic and BYOB. Settle down for a sultry summer evening of soothing jazz standards from the American Songbook and more.  South Lake is: Jon Concilio: Double Bass, Brendan Walsh: Guitar, Mik Mitnik: Drums, and Allan Becker: Soprano, Alto, and Tenor Sax, Flute, and Keyboards.  Nobody writes music like this anymore! 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., Activity Shed. All tickets: $10.00. Please pay in advance by calling 860-567-0857 or by registering online: www.whitememorialcc.org

August 28

Sunday Guided Museum Tour with Tom Saunders

You’ll learn so much more about Alain and May White and their generous gift to us, by spending time with Museum Docent, Tom Saunders! Tom is available to give tours on the first and third Sundays of every month at 2pm or by appointment. Admission is FREE to Members and $6.00 for adults, $3.00 for children. There is free admission for children under the age of 12.