
Who Is Your GCS All-Star? Join Us In Celebrating Employees This May

Schools and Libraries

May 1, 2023

From: Guilford County Schools

It only takes a few minutes to make someone feel appreciated. May is Employee Appreciation Month in Guilford County Schools, and the district is asking for the community’s help in ensuring that its nearly 10,000 employees, including teachers and frontline workers, know the value they hold and the importance of the roles they play.   

“In Guilford County Schools, we know that public education is a team effort,” says Superintendent Dr. Whitney Oakley. “That’s why we recognize all employees in May because All-Stars are found not just in our classrooms but also on our buses, in our warehouses, in our cafeterias and across every department and division.”  

Parents, students, community members and fellow staff members are invited to share stories of employees who are knocking it out of the park for GCS students and staff. The process is simple: Email your story to [email protected] or post on social media with the hashtag #GCSAllStars. Photos and videos are appreciated.   

Click here for a video about the GCS All-Stars campaign.