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Community Christian Church

1150 Country Club Road


Since we are not a denomination and have no written creed, it is difficult (and presumptuous) to suggest an official system of beliefs for our fellowship. The following is an observation concerning what the majority of our churches believe. This in no way is to construe an official statement. It serves only as one man's perception of the typical position of our churches.

The Christian churches have a distinctive plea. Of course, in many ways we agree with others striving to follow Christ. We believe in the divine inspiration of the entire Bible and that it is sufficient to guide us in all matters of faith; in the death of Jesus Christ and His atonement for our sins; and that after death all men will be rewarded or punished in another life for the way they have lived here. And with all people of real religious conviction we insist that the moral principles of Jesus are absolute truths to be exemplified in the personal righteousness of the child of God.

The Scriptures:

All scripture is God-breathed - given by inspiration. The Old Testament, which was God's revelation to the Jews, is the schoolmaster that leads us to Christ. The New Testament is God's revelation to spiritual Israel - the Church. (see II Timothy 3:16-17; Galatians 3:24)

However, we not only believe that the Scriptures are inspired, but also are convicted that the New Testament must be our ONLY guide in religious faith. God's Word frequently warns us against changing the divine message. (See Galatians 1:6-9) We, therefore, have no creed or catechism to present, but accept Christ as our only creed and the Bible as our only guidebook. (see Matthew 16:16) In this way we are never prevented by an erroneous creed from accepting any truth, which may be learned from God's Word.

The Trinity:

The term trinity is not found in the Bible; we prefer the term used by Paul to describe the triune personality or manifestation of God: the Godhead (translated also as Divine Nature). (see Colossians 2:9) Although it is difficult for finite beings, like man, to fully comprehend God's nature, He has revealed himself as the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. (see Matthew 28:19-20)

The Christ:

Jesus is the second person of the Godhead who became flesh and dwelt among men. His birth to a virgin was miraculous. Even though tempted as a man, He did not sin. At the end of a three and one half year ministry, He gave his life willingly to die on the cross as the sacrifice for sins. He rose from the grave and ascended to the Father. He will return. (see Matthew 1:22-25; 27:50; 28:1-7)

The Church:

The church is a divinely appointed institution. (see Acts 2) It is the ekklesia or called out assembly of believers. Christ is the head of the church. It is his body. It belongs to Him. God adds members to the church. The local church is a portion of the Body of Christ that meets regularly in a certain area. Each congregation is autonomous. There is no authority higher than the local level. We are not a denomination. No counsel, convention, or delegation imposes a system of beliefs on the local congregation. The local congregation is under the responsibility of overseers. The names, elder and bishop are synonymous terms used to describe the same office. Deacons assist the elders in the physical matters of the congregation.
