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Denver MountainAires Barbershop Chorus & Quartets

2497 Fenton Street


Chartered in September of 1975, the Denver MountainAires chapter was formed as an alternative to the highly competitive area chapters. About twenty men from the Mile High chapter had a vision of a chapter without extensive time spent on risers, with more emphasis placed upon quartet activities and a more relaxed, yet fun meeting format. Our chapter focus has always been to sing as well as possible for our appreciative audiences.

Over the years, our chapter membership has been as high as 63 men, and today, our chapter consists of 45 dedicated barbershoppers

We pride ourselves upon our community involvement: singing in the nursing homes, retirement centers, community functions, etc. In the early '90's, chapter quartet, The Chord Weavers started singing at area schools. It has slowly grown over the years, and today, our chapter has a strong youth outreach program into the area high schools, touching the lives of boys and girls alike. The Denver Mile High chapter and the Sweet Adeline's have, now, joined us in our efforts to educate, excite, and inspire our youth to sing barbershop. We hold yearly festivals, summer camps , an annual high school quartet contest for both boys and girls, and more.

A typical chapter meeting will usually include quartetting, chorus work, craft sessions, gang singing, and more fun than you can imagine. We are known as a friendly and sociable chapter. Our shows are always a hit in the community.

Our Vision

The Denver MountainAires Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society is an ever growing, harmonious fraternity of men who are dedicated to the enjoyment and preservation of the barbershop style of four-part, a cappella close harmony singing.