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Hugoton First Christian Church

600 S. Van Buren St

About Us:

At First Christian Church in Hugoton, our beliefs are founded on the first, and foremost, truth that the Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God, without error, and it is the truth we need to understand his will for our lives and to understand Him and His love for us.

We believe the entire Bible is truth, there are no "unreliable" parts, and the miracles and events in Scripture literally happened.

Based upon that truth, we believe the Bible's account of the creation of man. God created man as a unique, spiritual being and man did not accidentally evolve from lower life forms.

We also believe man possesses a sinful nature and is separated from God when he chooses to disobey. We do not believe that man is basically good, but is basically evil. God created man to have fellowship with him, but man has chosen to ignore that fellowship and to follow their sinful nature. We need God's grace in order to restore that fellowship.

We believe in the absolute deity of Jesus Christ. There is one God, existing in three distinct personalities; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit - each possessing all of the attributes of Deity and lives in the bodily form of Jesus Christ. Jesus was not simply a "great moral teacher", he was, and is, who he said that he is - the one and only Son of God. Jesus is the Christ, born of a virgin, as prophesied by Isaiah and recorded by Luke. He lived a sinless life, died on the cross, and whose body was raised from the grave three days later. He came to take our sins upon himself, die for those sins, and restore our relationship to God.

And most importantly, we believe Jesus will return gloriously as our Saviour. He has gone to prepare a place for us and will return for us and we will meet him in the air and spend eternity with him; for this is the hope of every Christian.

The reason for this hope is that we believe in the resurrection and assignment of all people to either Heaven or Hell. Yes, Hell is real! Hell is a place that has been prepared for the Devil, his angels, and all those who did not accept Jesus as the Christ; and therefore, whose name is not written in the Book of Life. Not only is hell real, it is a place to be avoided at all cost.

We at First Christian Church of Hugoton, welcome every person to our fellowship, regardless of previous affiliation, who accepts Jesus as the Christ, and who will share a willingness to conform our lives and practices to the guidance of the Scripture. In the essentials of faith clearly expressed in its pages, we seek unity of conviction. In areas where Scripture does not clearly speak, we seek liberty for each person to be guided in their understanding. And in all situations, we intend to be guided by love.

These beliefs have led us to the practice of a weekly observance of the Lord’s Supper, limiting baptism to those old enough to make a personal commitment of faith for themselves. We further believe that the scriptures teach us to follow the practice of baptism by immersion.

At First Christian Church of Hugoton, we practice the principle of the ministry of all believers in which all members are encouraged, trained and supported to be faithful followers and servants of Christ. As a result, we believe you will find a fresh and vital kind of Christian faith here. You will also find a vigorous church life with a well-rounded schedule for every age group.

First Christian Church of Hugoton is a non-denominational, independent Christian Church. We live and practice our lives under the belief that we are Christians only, but not the only Christians. We are a part of the restoration movement to restore the pattern of New Testament Christianity. We speak where the bible speaks, and are silent where the bible is silent. Our motto is: In Faith-Unity, In Opinions-Liberty, In All Things-Charity.
