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NorthStar Farm

1712 Jersey Street

Asparagus strawberrkes blackberries tomatoes cucumbers onions beets carrots peppers celery potatoes green beens yellow beens summer squash zucchini cabbage swiss chard greens broccoli beet greens kohlrabi lettuce winter squash radishes turnip cherry tomatoes pumpkin

We have been farming the natural way for approximately 40 years and have always had a surplus of vegetables. We also have a few apple trees, plum trees, pear tree and about 50' of rhubarb. Last year we planted 2 strawberry beds and we have hopes of a good production this year. Several years ago, we put in 60 feet of asparagus. It is now giving us far more than what we need. We do not use chemicals on our farm.

Our friends and family have enjoyed our fresh vegetables and home made jams, so we have decided to open our farm to families that would like to experience the excellant flavor of "just picked" fruits and vegetables.

We also raise Bourbon Red turkeys, which is a heritage breed.

CSA Details:
- Season: June through October
- Type: Single farm
- Since: 2010
- No of Shares: 5
- Full Share: $300/year $100 deposit by April 15 balance due June 1
- 1/2 Share: 175/year $100 deposit by April 15. Balance due by June 1
- Work Req? No

Pick Up/Drop Off Points:

- NorthStar Farm  (Thu)
Members pick up their shares on Thursday between 4-6pm at the farm.
Contact: Patricia Rowe
Phone: 518 963-8692
Address: 1712 Jersey Street,Essex, NY 12936