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Saint Benedicts Episcopal Church

910 Bowker Street

About Us:

This church is named after Benedict of Nursia, a 3rd Century Christian who wanted to live out Christian Spirituality in a more intentional way. Benedict is sometimes called the father of monasticism in western culture. However, living with Benedict's example of intentional spiritual practice is not something that leads us further away from our everyday realities; rather, Benedictine spirituality teaches us to find God in our everyday mundane activities. Benedict believed that washing the dishes could be a prayer if we were mindful of God in our work. Benedictine spirituality is known not only for its practicality but also for its hospitality. "Receive every guest as if they were Christ," these words come from Benedict's rule of life. While the word rule might sound confining or legalistic, the idea of the rule is to create intentional practice in our lives so that we are more aware of God in our presence. Another part of the rule says, listen with the ear of your heart.

This church is one that seems to have absorbed that Benedictine spirituality as we strive to be a place of radical hospitality for all people who may visit. We strive to be more intentional about how we live in the world as Christians on our journey. Our vision statement expresses that intention, "passionate living through Christ's teachings.

This is a church that does not ask you to leave your doubts, your struggles, your fears or uncertainties at the door. It doesn't ask you to leave your joys there, either. All we ask is that you come as you are. We're a group of people who simply want to find a relationship with God, and we come together in this church because our hearts have been touched by that desire. In the person of Jesus Christ, we sense that the fullness of God has been made available to us all.

Every week, we gather at the altar table that stands at the heart of our church to share a simple meal of bread and wine. In that sharing, we believe we are made one people. At our table, we make no distinctions. At our table, we reject the divisions the world uses to categorize and divide people. We practice laying aside distinctions of class or economics, or sexual orientation, or race. Everyone is welcome here as a child of God. And everyone is invited to explore here what that means. In this church, we are practicing God's hospitality.