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Saint Paul Cathedral Chucrch of San Diego

2728 Sixth Avenue

Who We Are

This Cathedral is named after Paul of Tarsus, the Roman-Jewish rabbi-turned-apostle who persecuted Christians until experiencing a vision of Jesus on the road to Damascus.

Whoever you are and wherever you find yourself in your spiritual journey, this is a place where you may share fully in the activities of Christian worship and community.

Two commandments, which Christ placed above all Biblical law and prophecy, guide our Cathedral's life:

-- Love the Lord God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind;
-- Love your neighbor as yourself.

St. Paul's offers opportunities for worship, prayer, learning, service, and giving through which you may explore the path of your response to Christ's call.

Worship in this church consists of the rites and ceremonies of the worldwide Anglican Communion, enriched by exceptional religious music both traditional and modern, vocal and instrumental. The celebration of the Holy Eucharist the partaking of consecrated bread and wine takes place each day of the week at different times and is open to all who feel called to participate.