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Springville elementary school

520 Hartford Rd

                 The Springville School is home to 447 students in Grades K-4, and 80 staff members, each school day. Our goal is to develop knowledgeable, responsible, confident citizens with a love of learning to last a lifetime. We encourage our students to create, to take chances, to become active learners and to appreciate and enjoy their learning opportunities. Building strong character, civic responsibility and respect for diversity in our students is an also an ongoing goal. We hope our children realize they can make a difference.

                    Providing a safe and secure environment for our students is always a priority. Springville has a School Safety Committee that meets on a regular basis to address all issues regarding school security.

                 Parents are invited to be active participants at Springville. Recognizing the importance of parents, students and teachers all working together, we enjoy an active and supportive Parent Teacher Organization, a Parent Resource Center, a comprehensive community volunteer program and family presence in our school. In addition to fund raising and running numerous family and school wide functions, parent volunteers are seen on a regular basis in our library, our art room, our Parent Resource Center, the playground, the cafeteria, and at our main lobby Welcome Desk. Our volunteer list contains the names of over 200 parents and friends willing to give of their time and energy for our children.

             We are very fortunate to have a beautiful facility but know the education of our children is much more than a building. At Springville we are committed to continue to learn and grow along with our students.