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Sutton Elementary School

383 Boston Road

Mission Statement:
The Sutton Elementary School is committed to continuous improvement in all aspects of teaching and learning. Our mission is to nurture and educate students to take responsibility for their own learning in order to reach their full potential.

Core Values:
As a community and as individuals, our values are reflected by our behavior. What we believe motivates us to do the things we do. When we all share the same values, our community will move together in progress.  Listed below are the core values of our school community.  We must all recognize our responsibility to support and uphold these core values as we strive to provide a safe, nurturing academic environment. 

- We Applaud All Students' Efforts.

- We Celebrate Uniqueness.

- We prepare for Tomorrow's Challenges.

- We Believe in Teamwork and Co-Operation.

- We respect Ourselves,Our School, and Our Community.

- We Invite the Discovery of New Talents and Ideas.

We hope these values will become deeply rooted in all the members of our school community.  We encourage our students and their parents to discuss these values and evaluate their efforts in respect to these important standards.
