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Vallejo Bible Church

448 Carolina Street

What We Believe

Saturate yourselves on the Word of God. Keep putting your mind on the reading, on the exhortation and on the teaching.........

The Bible : We believe the Bible is God breathed. One of the great evidences for the Bible are the many prophesies written long before the events actually occurred. The origin of these prophesies was from God. The Scripture in the orignal text and language are without error.

Creation : We believe God created the universe, the animals and mankind as recorded in the Genesis account.

The Source of Evil : We believe that man and woman were created perfectly in the image of God, but sin brought ruin and death to God's perfect creation.

The Person of Jesus Christ : Jesus is the Creator, who came to His creation, born of a virgin. He came in love to die as a substitue for the judgment which we deserve. His death paid the penalty for sin. He arose from the grave and lives as the eternal God-man.

Salvation by Grace : Salvation is the free gift of God which cannot be earned in any way. it is received by faith. Faith is a trust in the fact of Jesus death for my sins and His ressurection. It is a personal reliance on Christ's death for the payment of my sins.

The New Birth : True faith in Jesus produces spiritual life, a new birth. The Spirit of God comes in to live within us when we put our trust in Jesus as our Savior.

New Life : The new birth results in new life, a growing new way of living. As the Christian mutures we learn to live in imitation of Jesus.

The Second Coming : We believe the second comming of Jesus is personal and emminent.

Purpose of the Church : To glorify God together, to nurture each other in the Scriptures, and to work together to proclaim the glorious good news about salvation in Jeus.
