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Warrensburg Police Department

102 South Holden

The Warrensburg Police Department has undergone a substantial amount of change and growth. From a roster of 13 full-time sworn officers in 1975 the Department has increased to 30 full-time sworn officers.

Police officers have been added over the years via funding from the City, Division of Highway Safety Grants, COPS FAST Federal funding, and a county-wide law enforcement sales tax established in 1993. The greatest number of personnel added at one time, 8 officers, came from the proceeds of this law enforcement sales tax. The City was instrumental in the passing of this county-wide tax by carrying the vote which passed in all precincts within the City of Warrensburg, but only passed in one precinct in the rest of Johnson County. The police departments within the county share 45 percent of the proceeds from this 1/2 cent sales tax.

The Warrensburg Police Department completed a $100,000 remodeling project necessitated by the eight new officers from the law enforcement sales tax.

The last officer added was through a $75,000 Federal COPS grant and is assigned as the second full-time School Resource Officer.
