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Xenia Rotary Club

135 Church Street


November 22, 1920 - Six local businessmen met with W. E. Harbottle, Secretary of Dayton Rotary Club to discuss formation of a club in Xenia.

January 21, 1921 - Robert Patterson of the NCR Company addressed the members of the new Xenia Rotary Club. First officers and directors were elected. Reorganization of the YMCA was an item of business.

February 24, 1921 - The 16th anniversary of Rotary International, the Xenia Rotary Club received its charter, being Club Number 828 in Rotary World. Attended by 20 charter members and Rotary Anns at an evening meeting hosted by the Dayton Rotary Club. Dr, Kent Finley was instrumental in starting a program of help for crippled children.

1922 - Xenia Rotary assisted and endorsed formation of Xenia Kiwanis Club and entertained new club members. Ladies night programs were held on a monthly basis.

1923 - Crippled children's programs were continued with assistance of Dr. James Walker, an orthopedic surgeon from Dayton.1925 - One hundred Fifty Rotarians attended inter-city meeting in Xenia sponsored by Xenia Club. Xenia Rotary. Sponsored Boy Scout Camp on permanent basis. Club was honored by having Past R.I. President Russell Greiner as club speaker.

1933 - London, Ohio Rotary Club met in joint meeting with Xenia in Xenia.

1934 - Xenia Rotary hosted 100 boys, members of Sandlot Baseball Teams.

1935 - Xenia Rotary staged a minstrel show.

1936 - Simeon D. Fess, Honorary member of the Xenia Rotary Club died.

1937 - Installed Rotary signs at corporation limits. Helped celebrate the Dayton Rotary Club 25th Anniversary. Hosted 300 Children at Christmas Party.

1939 - Helped observe Springfield Rotary Club 25th Anniversary.

1940 - Hosted 1,000 Rotarians at OSSO to honor the Vice President of R. I.

1942 - Joint meeting with Greenfield to hear Sen. John Bricker.

1943 - Twenty Second Anniversary celebrated.

1944 - Club Bulletin edited by visiting editor from Canada.

1945 - W. A. Miller became district governor of District 159. Xenia Rotary built medical center at boy scout camp, now Camp Birch.

1946 - Celebrated 25th Anniversary.

1947 - Planted new trees on Court House lawn, Community project.

1949 - Sponsored joint service club meeting to hear Sen. Robert A. Taft.

1950 - Topped District 231 in attendance with 99.45%. Among top 10 in world.

1952 - 1953 Fairborn and Xenia jointly purchased Camp Greene-Girl Scout Camp.

1955 - Sponsored city-wide fire prevention program in co-operation with local insurance agents.

1957 - Held first Pancake Day. (annually since)

1958 - Held International Theme party for Rotary Anns.

1961 - Hosted International Student from Holland, and became a 300% Foundation Club.

1963 - David Warner, District Governor Co-sponsored Kettering Rotary Club.

1964 - Bill Saum studied in Edinborough, Scotland as Rotary Fellow.

1967 - Christmas party for underprivileged children.

1969 - Committed shelter house for YMCA day camp.

1970 - Participated in Air Show at Greene County Airport.

1971 - Sponsored Children's Day Camp (annually since) handicapped children. Celebrated 50th Anniversary

1972 - Hosted Japanese Business Men and Australian students.

1973 - Sponsored formation of Beavercreek Rotary Club.